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Create custom class provider templates

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What are the steps to create a custom class provider templates based on ...\LabVIEW 2020\resource\Framework\Providers\Open_GDS\ClassProviders\Provider_EndevoGOOP400 ?


I want to be able to use my own custom template when I create a new classes.


I have tried to create a copy of ...\Provider_EndevoGOOP400 and renamed it to Provider_CustomName. I have also somehow managed to make it appear in the CreateClassDialog but it does not work as expected.


It seems as if have not made all nessecary steps for it to work properly.


Thanks in advance


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

You can create a new Class Provider, but that's a lot of work.
It might be enough just to create a new Class template and hide all the other templates so only yours is visible.
If you can share your template I can help you get started, but I would recommend to use the latest OpenGDS version since it has a lot of bug fixes and also the ability to hide and rearrange the class templates.

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Message 2 of 7

BTW, I will (as soon as I have time), create a video how this is done.

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Message 3 of 7

You are correct, I don't need a class provider I just need a template :). My thought was that I want to be able to re-use all the existing templates with all the various connector pane patterns. But with slight modifications to the block diagrams.


I installed goop 1.2.71 and it had all the excellent features that I needed. But I would prefer to use 1.1.87.


1. Select class provider

2. Select template (example Stans Class 1)

3. Do work 🙂 


Is it still a alot of work to add two new templates to GOOP 1.1.87?


1. G4BaseTemplate_Simple_4x4x4 --> CompanyName_Simple_4x4x4

2. G4BaseTemplate_Singleton_4x4x4 --> CompanyName_Singleton_4x4x4 




BTW I tried to use Stans Class 1 template with the latest GOOP release and I got an error a bug maybe?


Thank you for your response and for providing an awesome development tool 🙂

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7
Accepted by topic author Arash1

Stan's class shouldn't be there.


I think the error is related to missing dependencies, but the inclusion of the template was unintentional itself.



The help files (Tools>GOOP>Main Help) should provide info on adding new templates. I have the latest version installed, but I think it should be basically the same as below:


Create Class Template

You can create your own class templates, the tool will list all available class templates in the Create Class dialog.


Create a clone of an existing template class or use any class you have already created as a template. Place the class folder you want to use as a template in the following folder:


\National Instruments\LabVIEW xxxx\resource\Framework\Providers\Open_GDS\ClassProviders\Provider_EndevoGOOPxxx\Templates


The class will show in the Class Template control next time you launch the Create Class dialog.


You can also add method templates to your class templates. The method templates will show up when you create new methods. Follow the instructions in the chapter Create Method Template.


Message 5 of 7

Thank you JimB. That did the trick!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

I've uploaded a new version v1.2.74 (under untested versions), with some bugs fixed.



It would be good to create a repository of different class templates and design patterns. And perhaps a build-in browser and installer of these extensions to the tool kits, sure it could also be done as vipm packages.

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Message 7 of 7