FIRST Robotics Competition Discussions

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Final Update to FRC Videos

The final video for the 2011 FRC Season have just been posted.

These videos conclude The Seven Steps to FRC Robotics Success that Enable Training and Consulting Inc. has put together this year.

You can find the entire set in the dropdown menu at the top of the page to LabVIEW for FRC.

In Step 7 we will:

  • Modify autonomous independent SubVI to add a parallel loop
  • Slowly move servo forward and return to zero position when limit switch is closed

As always, the material from the 2010 season is still ready and available.

Ben Zimmer

-- LV Mastery Team


Ben Zimmer


Phone/Fax: (905) 864-1858

Toll Free: (877) 872-4619

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Message 1 of 4


Thanks very much to you and ETC for the FRC videos.  I am brand new to FIRST this year (just this month actually) and the videos are very helpful.

However, getting a reliable internet connection at the high school where I mentor is difficult.  Have you considered packaging the videos so that teams can download them to watch offline?

Also, I'm interested in registering for the additional FRC Mastery videos that are suggested, but when I click the "Register" link, I receive the message that "User registration is currently not allowed".

Kind Regards,

Jonathan Steele

Software Mentor on FIRST Team 3019

Chaparral HS Firebirds, Scottsdale, AZ

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Message 2 of 4

Hello Jonathan,

There are currently no plans to repackage the FRC videos.  However, with a Firefox add-on such as "Video Download Helper" you can easily download the videos yourself for viewing off line.  (I just tested this and it works well)

I'm not sure which "Register" link you are refering to.  Is this something on the FRCMastery page?

Patrick Allen:
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Message 3 of 4

@pallen... Sorry, I was watching the older videos (Tip Jar) and saw the pop-up about "Register and learn more"... I didn't notice it was for "" site (which also contains a ton of great content!!).  There is a "register" link on the Login tab at

I'm a Google Chrome guy myself, but I'll check out the Firefox video downloader!  Thanks for the tip.

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