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This VI will demonstrates how to mathematically calculate the acquired voltage to temperature reading using thermocouple
This VI is designed to convert raw voltages into temperatures for a wide variety of thermocouple types. You can use this function to convert voltage for types that are not supported in DAQmx. Just create a voltage task input and use this VI to convert to a temperature.
Steps to implement or execute code
To implement this example:
To execute this example:
LabVIEW 2012 or compatible
NI-DAQmx 16.0 or compatible
**This document has been updated to meet the current required format for the NI Code Exchange.**
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.
Great work, but you will also need the reverse polynomials if you plan on doing CJC .
The is a vi for reading the CJC temp:
DAQmx Acquire CJC Temperature
And I did find reverse polynomials (T to V) at Omega's site.