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This VI is a very simple bit of example code that uses a task created in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) and acquires data.
Tasks in MAX can be used in LabVIEW very simply. You can either drag a task from MAX straight into your block diagram or you can place a Task Constant from the functions palette. The Task Constant can be found under Measurement I/O»NI-DAQmx. From here all you need to do for an acquisition task is connect the task to a DAQmx Start VI and then to a DAQmx Read VI followed by a DAQmx Stop VI.
Performing a continuous read would require the use of a while loop with a stop condition around the DAQmx Read VI.
There are benefits of using a task from MAX instead of using a DAQ Assistant
Requirements to Run
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
To create a Task in MAX:
To implement your task in your LabVIEW code:
**This document has been updated to meet the current required format for the NI Code Exchange.**
Dan King
L’exemple de code provenant de l’échange d’exemple de code au sein de la communauté NI détient une licence MIT .
What do I have to do to use a task in CANoe? Is that possible?