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Demonstrates how to use a GPS PPS signal in hardware to trigger and control the execution timing of a software loop.
Unlike DAQmx Events on M and X Series devices, niSync hardware cannot directly generate a software event. However, if you want to sync your software execution timing with GPS (or any external trigger), you can create a physical clock on the 6682 (GPS PPS) that is used to trigger timestamps. By using a blocking read on the timestamp data to control execution flow, you can ensure that your software loop only fires when a timestamp is latched. This causes the software only to iterate when a physical trigger is received.
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
2a. Configure timestamp trigger.
2b. Configure GPS PPS for 1 Hz.
3a. Blocking timestamp read triggers loop execution to continue.
3b. This code is not required, but it shows the current GPS timestamp. It simply keeps the PPS output signal from disabling until Loop 1 completes.
6a. Disable timestamp trigger.
6b. Clear PPS clock configuration.
Additional Information or References
VI Snippet
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