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This example uses the DisplayFileDialog() Method to prompt the user to select one or more files. The example then passes the list of selected files to the ForEachStepInPathList sequence in the ForEach.seq tool which ships with TestStand (this tool is located in <TestStand>\Components\Tools\ForEach.seq). The Locals.sequenceCallback variable defines a sequence in the current sequence file that is called by the foreach tool on each step in each sequence file being processed. The callback sequence includes a parameter which contains a reference to the active step. The example uses this reference to call the Module.LoadPrototype() method to reload the module prototype.
Reload All Step Prototypes In Sequence Files - TS2012
TestStand 2012 SP1 or compatible
Reload All Step Prototypes In Sequence Files - TS3_1
TestStand 3.1 or compatible
For more information on using the ForEach.seq tool, refer to the following example:
Creating a Sequence File Iteration Tool - Replacing Absolute Module Paths with Relative Paths
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.
Tried Reload All Step Prototypes In Sequence Files - TS2017.seq . The prototype were reloaded but all pre-defined parameters of each prototype are empty.
@gary29 - The issue is that the option for the "LoadPrototype" was set to 0, but it needs to be 1.