Description-Separate-1This example will open a password-protected Excel file and read the data from the specified sheet and range.
The data will be shown in LabVIEW as 2D string.
You can change the data format and range as required by modifying the code.
Description-Separate-2How to Use
How-Separate-1Refer to Microsoft Excel namespace documentation in the Related Links section for the details of each class, method, and properties.
How-Separate-2Additional Information
Additional-Separate-1This example was tested with LabVIEW 2023 Q1 64-bit with Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2309 Build 16.0.16827.20166) 64-bit.
It is recommended to use the same LabVIEW and Microsoft Excel bitness.
Additional-Separate-2Related Links