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This VI is an example of how the ni-rt.ini file can be modified on a Real-Time controller programmatically from a host PC.
The VI should be run from a host PC; it uses WebDAV to copy the controller's ni-rt.ini file to a specified location on the host, edits the StartAppAtBoot token, and then uses WebDAV to replace the ni-rt.ini file on the controller with the new settings. This VI is designed to work with a Linux RT controller such as the myRIO or cRIO-9068, to use it with a VxWorks target, you will need to change the path to the ni-rt.ini file.
LabVIEW 2013 (or compatible)
LabVIEW System Configuration API
LabVIEW Real-time module
A Linux RT Target (other targets possible but changes will need to be made.)
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
Additional Information or Reference
DisableStartupApp 2013 NIVerified Block Diagram
After pressing "StartupApp?" ni-rt.ini file.
If not press "StartupApp?" ni-rt.ini file.
**This document has been updated to meet the current required format for the NI Code Exchange.**
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.
Looks really usefull. Good job!