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I had problem obtaining high speed data from Ocean FX spectrometer using omnidriver. I decided to implement the known OBP protocol for controlling and reading data from the Ocean FX spectrometer directly via the USB port.
Description-Separate-2I had written a small driver to replace the WinUSB driver with mine to read and write the USB port Labview Visa. Step 1. Replace the WinUSB driver with the OceanFX driver. Step 2 run the simple spectrometer VI to see if there is communication. The save high speed data into binary allows triggered high-speed acquisition from Ocean FX spectrometer. The analysis file provided will convert and graph the saved binary data. Enjoy!
How-Separate-2Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.
Dear Chiki77
thanks for your contribution. I have an OceanFX, and I have tested your programs.
Is there any further evolution? I am comparing what you made with the Ocean Flame library available at
It would be great if you have done (or if you can make) something like that (with single blocks to make all operations)
Where did you find the bytes for the commands?
Where is the WinUSB driver that you replaced?