The Reference Configurable Custom Control add-on allows users to take the attached template code and customize the front panel by adding, deleting, or changing any number of controls or indicators. No wiring or block diagram alterations are necessary, as the only requirement is that the ‘Caption’ of the control / indicator must be visible. This can be done by right-clicking on the front panel object»Visible Items»Caption. However, the block diagram can be changed if a user would like to change or implement different functionality.
One important note: For boolean controls on the front panel, they must be set to a switch mechanical action. Creating booleans that use latch mechanical actions will lead to improper behavior in NI VeriStand, and will result in an error within the custom control.
After installing the Import Front Panel add-on to \National Instruments\VeriStand 20xx\Display Templates
, it can be added to the VeriStand Workspace as a custom control. Inputs and outputs can then be mapped to the custom control by right clicking on the controls and indicators embedded into the custom control. Channels available to be mapped are denoted by black dots to the in the Select Desired Channel pop-up window. White circles denote sections and cannot be mapped to controls and indicators on your indicator. Figure 1 shows an example of the control mapping menu.
Figure 1
The controls and indicators on your custom control can be mapped to any of the channels in the System Explorer. It should be noted that controls on your custom control may only be mapped to VeriStand inputs, but indicators may be mapped to an input or output. To see a video demonstration of the Import Front Panel Add-On see Figure 2.
Note: To upgrade this add-on to the latest version, open the project in, open up the Right-Click - Template VI, and press Ctrl-Shift-Run Arrow, followed by a save all. You can then build the source to the latest version use the Application Builder in LabVIEW.
If you have questions about using this custom device, please Contact Us.
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.