This code uses NI-DAQmx to make an endpoint connection from one column to another in multiple NI SwitchBlock devices.
The example VI performs the following steps:
- Resets both switch devices and sets their topology to the one you specify in Topology Name
- Creates an array of row names and an array of analog bus names for your specific device
- Reserves all of the rows for routing in preparation to connect over these rows on your NI SwitchBlock device
- Allows the sharing of your analog bus over multiple devices
- Makes a connection from one column to another and waits for the switch to finish closing
- Handles errors
- LabVIEW 2012 (or compatible)
- NI-DAQmx 9.3.5
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
- Download and unzip the NI-DAQmx 2 Device Endpoints.zip file
- For each device configure the following in the front panel:
- Select your NI SwitchBlock device name
- Select 'Configured Topology' for the Topology Name
- Select your column to connect
- Select your analog bus to use in this connection. The same analog bus should be selected for both.
- Run the VI. The connections between the two devices will be made.
Additional Information or References
VI Snippet

**This document has been updated to meet the current required format for the NI Code Exchange.**