Description-Separate-1This example shows how to use multiple NI-9411 C Series Digital Modules in LabVIEW FPGA Interface programming mode. You will need to use LABVIEW FPGA Interface programming mode instead of Scan Interface proramming mode because the CompactRIO Chassis supports only two slots for specialty digital functions in Scan Interface programming mode. This example shows how to read quadrature encoder input signals on multiple modules.
Description-Separate-2How to Use
How-Separate-1The attached example program demonstrates how to estimate velocity and acceleration of a Quadrature Encoder using the LabVIEW FPGA Module and CompactRIO hardware. This example consists of an FPGA VI, Encoder Position & Velocity (FPGA).vi, which will run on the FPGA platform and a host VI, Encoder Position & Velocity (Host).vi, which will run on the Host Machine. Additionally, the example program was designed for a PXI-7811R PXI Digital Reconfigurable I/O Module FPGA and an R Series expansion chassis with a NI-9411 DI module in slot 1.
How-Separate-2Additional Information
Additional-Separate-1The attached VI can easily be modified to run on any other CompactRIO FPGA hardware.
Additional-Separate-2Related Links