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This example shows how you can include a list of installed NI software in the report header, which can be useful for validating test reports or troubleshooting issues.
This example uses the system configuration API in a LabVIEW code module to obtain a list of installed NI software. The code module returns an array of strings containing the software list. The code module is called in the PreUUT callback in order to add the data to the report header. Data can be easily added to the report header using this procedure:
Parameters.UUT.AdditionalData.SetPropertyObject("Software", 1, Locals.Software.clone("",0)),
Parameters.UUT.AdditionalData.SetFlags("", 0, PropFlags_IncludeInReport)
TestStand 2014 or Compatible
LabVIEW 2014 or Compatible (to view the LabVIEW code module source code)
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.