This is a LabVIEW periodic table, it pulls data from a spreadsheet and formats it appropriately. You can click on a particular element to bring up information for it, or select a classification to get information about those. There is also functionality to copy data to the clipboard or open an elements wikipedia page.
This app uses a producer consumer architecture to ensure it runs properly and everything executes in the correct order. It also makes use of customized controls that have multiple sizes of text at different positions, without interfering with the button. The data is stored in a csv file.
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
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**This document has been updated to meet the current required format for the NI Code Exchange.**
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.
This is a great user interface. Very cool utility!
Thank you Shane!
Could anyone please convert it to a 2012 version ? Many thanks!
unfortunately, on this machine using LabView 2015.02f this is happening:
so I re-built this GUI using an array of strings and a table indicator
heavily using the "Element Data.csv" found in Periodic Table.zip 1026 KB
looks like I can't attach files to this post, so here's a snippet:
and a preview:
the color ramp can only be choosen once, when the .vi is first run
cells (chemical elemnts) can be choosen at run-time and the corresponding indicators are refreshed by polling.
I admit, this can be done better, e.g. using an event-structure and possibly more sub-vis
ups, I had some typ-defs in my previous snippet, here's a typ-def free version: