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The example is meant to only be used with the PXIe-5164 to interpolate acquired data using convolution. This creates a way to sample more than the 1 GS/s rate of the digitizer.
Using the PXIe-5164 and this example we are able to use convolution to interpolate acquired data up to 50 GS/s. The PXIe-5164 uses interpolation instead of RIS to achieve higher effective sample rates. There are many advantages to using interpolation with hardware specifically designed for it, over the historically used random interleaved sampling. For example, the higher interpolated sample rate is done for every single shot acquisition and does not require the signal to be repeating.
The example determines the proper filter and interpolation parameters for every interpolation rate. Possible interpolation sample rates vary from 2GS/s all the way to 50GS/s. The interpolation is processed on the host, with additional processing times typically in the few millisecond range. There are two versions of the example posted, both having the same interpolation accuracy and interpolation rates. One version uses only LabVIEW Professional, while the other requires LabVIEW and the Digital Filter Design Toolkit. The version that requires the Digital Filter Design Toolkit, will process the data 5-10x faster typically.
Hardware: PXIe-5164
For Interpolation LabVIEW Example:
LabVIEW 2015 or compatible
NI-SCOPE 16.1 or compatible
For LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Example:
LabVIEW 2015 or compatible
LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Toolkit 2015 or compatible
1. Select your PXIe-5164 device as the resource.
2. Configure your vertical settings.
3. Configure channel settings.
4. Configure horizontal settings. This includes the interpolated sample rate and record length.
5. Configure trigger settings.
6. Run the VI.
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.