This example demonstrates how to programmatically read variable names and descriptions in Compact RIO Scan Mode.
When we have a CompactRIO (cRIO) in a project and we are using the Scan Interface (Scan Engine) for the modules, it is always good to rename the channels (IO) with names meaningful to our application. These names can be extremely useful during logging or during data presentation to the user. Here is a way to extract these names programatically and also extract the descriptions as well!
Note: (IO descriptions are accessible statically by right-clicking on the IO of the module, and going into its Properties. In the Description section you can check "Enable Description" and add information for that IO)
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**The code for this example has been edited to meet the new Community Example Style Guidelines. The edited copy is marked with the text ‘NIVerified’. Read here for more information about the new Example Guidelines and Community Platform.**
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.
If you need these lists as 1D arrays instead of 2D then this is a simple tweak! Have a look at "IO info 2.vi" for an example on the names.
If you need an array of all of the values on a single module, then this will help: