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This example contains an NI FlexLogger project, configuration file for simulated hardware, examples to control NI FlexLogger via Python, and getting started documentation.
The Vibration Project (Vibration Project.flxproject) is a FlexLogger project that provides a reference for taking acceleration and displacement measurements through NI FlexLogger contains the following predefined FlexLogger documents and files:
FlexLogger Channel Specification
FlexLogger Screen
Note: The Vibration Project has been configured to acquire data from specific accelerometers and proximity probes. If different sensors are present, the configuration will need to be modified to reflect the correct sensor configuration.
Note: The Mixed Measurement Project has been configured to acquire data from specific voltage transducers, pressure sensors, thermocouples, and digital lines. If different sensors are present, the configuration will need to be modified to reflect the correct sensor configuration. d
Project Execution Buttons
Note: For additional information on the components, configuration, and how to customize the template, open the Getting Started file located inside the Vibration file.
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.