FGV Timer 2012 NIVerified
This Timing VI can be called within a main application to start, get value, pause, and resume.
The values are stored in a functional global variable (FGV) within a loop that is called only once. Each time you call the subVI, you can input a enum state in order to start the timer, get the elapsed time, pause or resume the timer. The timer also outputs the Elapsed time, a Boolean indicator comparing the elapsed time to the target time, and a pause flag to notify the user if the timer is paused.
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
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**This document has been updated to meet the current required format for the NI Code Exchange. **
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.
Thanks for this fgv timer example. I enjoyed reviewing it's functionality as I study for the CLD. I made a few changes and posted here.
Thank you for sharing.
I've made a minor modification: