This example demonstrates how to continuously acquire velocity measurements using the NI 9361.
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
Refer to the NI DAQmx Help for the valid channel names for the Counter module.
Block Diagram Steps:
I/O Connections Overview:
For instruction on how to connect your signals to the NI 9361, refer to your device documentation.
This example is not valid for two pulse encoders, X2, or X4 encoding.
DAQmx 14.5
NI 9361
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.
When I try to run this example with an NI-9361 in a cDAQ-9171, I get error -200022 "Resource requested by this task has already been reserved by a different task". What timing source do I have to use? The default is "Onboard Clock".
Hello JSwing,
This problem that your are running into is actually a known issue and is being look at by R&D @ NI. The only other information that I can offer you is that a fix is being worked on in a later version of DAQmx. Sorry for the potentially bad news.
DAQmx 15.1 and later resolved the issue.