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These examples are meant to be used as a starting point for interacting programmatically with Copper Mountain Technologies' PXIe-S5090 Vector Network Analyzer. They are a useful reference to perform basic S-Parameter measurement in a benchmarkable fashion.
As a reminder, the driver software for the PXIe-S5090 allows for two different types of programming - a SCPI-based interface (leveraging a TCP socket), and a native IVI-C driver. The PXIe_S2 Software can be downloaded from Copper Mountain Technologies' website (see Related Links section). Please note that there is prerequisite software required (NI FlexRIO, NI-VISA and IVI Shared Components).
For instructions on setting up a SCPI connection with the module, please refer to the programming manual found on disk after installation: C:\Program Files (x86)\Coppermountaintech\PXI S2VNA\Doc
For the IVI-C programming reference (in C and in LabVIEW), please refer to the IVI-C documenation installation directory (likely located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Drivers\CmtNA
The attached examples provide a basic starting point for the following languages and drivers:
* LabVIEW (Cycle Time
* C# .NET example for SCPI-based measurement (
* C++ example for IVI-C based measurement (ivicCycleTime.cpp)
1. Open the desired example in the required development environment.
LabVIEW: Copy the folder normally found at C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Drivers\CmtNA\LabVIEW 2018\instr.lib\CmtNA to the LabVIEW inst.lib folder, normally found at "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20XX\instr.lib
2. Set up the appropriate resource name or IP address for the system
3. Configure the start, stop frequency, IF bandwidth and other parameters as needed
4. Run the example
5. Examine the S-Parameter results and test times
If the Interactive EXE (S2VNA) is not desired during operation, there are a few methods to programmatically use the PXIe-S5090 with the EXE hidden. As background, S2VNA acts as the communication interface with the module, so it needs to be active during operation.
It is possible to use the following commands to Hide and Show the Analyzer GUI when using SCPI-based programming:
When communicating through the IVI-C driver, you can use the following:
1. CmtNA_SystemHide
2. CmtNA_SystemShow
Another way to hide the GUI is to programmatically launch in 'invisible mode' it using a command prompt. For example:
C:\VNA\S2VNA\S2VNA.exe /SocketServer:on /SocketPort:5025 /visible:off
* /SocketServer:on /SocketPort:5025 assigns socket port number 5025 and turns it on
* /visible:off runs the software in invisible mode
After which, a session to the VNA can be instantiated.
Driver Download:
Getting Started Guide:
PXIe-S5090 VNA Specifications:
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.