DutLUG - Dutch LabVIEW Usergroup

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Meeting 14-12-2023

Dear DutLUG community,


I hereby announce the presentations for our next DutLUG meeting in December.

Please note that alle presentations will be in person, we will not be recording or live streaming to the internet and all presentations will be in English.

Stay healthy and see you all soon! 😊


*Important message*

Exciting news for our LabVIEW User Group! Our upcoming event is not just limited to Eindhoven, Netherlands, but also extends to Zellik, Belgium. We're experimenting with a live connection between these two Benelux locations. Join us in one of these two locations for this experimental collaboration. Just like in Eindhoven, Zellik will provide tasty food and refreshments before the presentations start. It will be possible for people attending in Zellik to ask questions. Register for our newsletter for more details. See you there!

1. Stefan Lemmens - A tree full of object data


This presentation will show you how you can combine several VIPM packages to display (and edit) any LabVIEW object in a tree control.

Using JSON as an intermediate format also makes it possible to store and load the data using a human readable file.
Another great advantage is that it becomes very easy to apply filters on your data using SQL statements.
Some examples will demonstrate that it's a very generic way of displaying and editing the data of any LabVIEW object.
Above all it only requires a few easy steps from some useful packages.


2. Natan Biesmans - Malleable VI's unlocked


Malleable VI's have been available for quite some years and compliments our toolbox of reusable code perfectly. 

Join me on a journey through techniques that have yet to be shared but are the basis of the G²CPU high performance toolkit.
We'll have a look at a what its position is compared to polymorphic VI's, classes, case structures and other techniques to selectively execute code.
After which we will step-by-step go from simple ground rules to never publicized techniques to elevate your reusable libraries
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Message 1 of 9

The event will take place in Eindhoven, Netherlands AND Zellik, Belgium. We will have a live connection to host it at these 2 locations in the Benelux!

Message 2 of 9

What a shame that the meeting cannot be attended online. Why is that?

Message 3 of 9

Although I cannot attend every meeting, for me it is more for interacting with fellow NI enthusiasts (which is becoming more and more difficult to be, but that is another discussion) in a way that will never be possible online. So for me personal online participation is not needed.

Message 4 of 9

@aartjan wrote:

What a shame that the meeting cannot be attended online. Why is that?

Hello aartjan,

Thank you for your question,


We prefer face-to-face meetings because they help us connect better as a community. It's important for members to meet and talk in person. Streaming online might make people stay home, and we really want to encourage everyone to come and join in person. These meetings are about more than just presentations, they're about us being together and sharing ideas.


Hope to see you at our next meeting!




Message 5 of 9

I appreciate that challenge, but you are selling a lot of people around the country short. You won't be seeing me. Here's why:


I could take my car. From my place between Utrecht and Amsterdam, it would be approximately a 75 minutes drive. But wait, this is the Netherlands, and it is around 5pm. Let's make that 90 to 120 minutes cursing traffic and everyone in it. I will probably be late. And I will curse myself, too, for **bleep**ing up the climate just as much as everyone else.

So, let's not take the car, but take the train (and bus) instead. This will take me a staggering 150 minutes, but only if all trains run on schedule. I will likely be late (again). The round trip for your social get-together will amount to 8 hours in total if all goes well, and I don't linger. Even if I would come straight from the office in downtown Utrecht, I would have to leave work around 2:45 pm to make it.


Although I love working with Labview and the subjects really interests me, the time effort alone is just not worth it.



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