I have written a Linux driver for the NI-6602 Counter. I am trying to program filtering of the source lines but the hard-wired filter clocks are too restrictive.
The User Manual states that the output of another counter in pulse-train mode can be selected as the filter clock, as can a signal on the RTSI bus.
The RLP Manual for the 6602 states that the filtering pulse width is "either internally generated or selected from a RTSI line". The values listed for selection do not include the RTSI line nor is there any mention of using another counter as described in the User Manual.
In the DDK, there is IO_Pin_38_39_Configuration_Register.writeIO_Filter_39_Select for both TIO_1 and TIO_2 but PFI_39 is relevant to counter_0 which is on TIO_1. Similarly for IO_Pin_10_11_Configuration_Register.writeIO_Filter_11_Select for counter_7.
How do I utilize another counter as the filter clock in the DDK?
How should I be using the writeIO_Filter_xx_Select and on which TIO(s)?