Trying to generate an interrupt on the AT-MIO16-E pnp card by using counter G0.
I'm able to program the base address and read port address for the card. I call a InitTimer function
to setup the G0 counter and associated interrupt control logical (Inttst.c). By running the code I can see that
an interrupt is being generated because the Interrupt_A_St bit goes high. However, my interrupt handler
is not being called.
PNP_util.c contains code to initialize the AT-MIO16-E board and IntTst.c is the demo program to
setup the timer and interrupt control logic. I trying to use IRQ5 in the demo code. I setup the pnp by
calling Setup_PNP_Board( 0x240, //board address
0x273, //read port address
5 ) ; //irq
Any help would be apprieated