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automação em dinamômetro de correntes de foucault

Bom dia! Estou iniciando um projeto de coleta de dados gerados por um motor de combustão interna no dinamômetro de correntes parasitas e para isso vou utilizar uma placa de aquisição da National. Primeiramente eu preciso coletar os dados de rotação e torque (célula de carga), ainda estou meio perdido pois nunca mexi com isso antes. Desde já muito obrigado.

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vc precisa listar os sinais q vai coletar, 

tipos de sensores, a celula de carga usa que tipo de sinal ?  Analogico/ Digital/Serial/SPI


qual velocidade do sinal que vai coletar ? A taxa de amostragem do sinal tem que ser no minimo 2 x a velocidade do sinal mais rapido.

Imagine que seu projeto terminou, quais sao as funcionalidades do sistema que vc construiu ? 

Quais sinais vc precisa ver na tela ? 

Precisa salvar os dados ? Qual formato ? 

Tem acesso a banco de dados ? 

Precisa de calibracao do sinal ? 



Developing a data acquisition system involves several steps and considerations. Here's a general overview of the process:

  1. Define your requirements: Determine the specific needs and goals of your data acquisition system. Consider factors such as the type of data you want to acquire, the sensors or devices involved, the desired sampling rate, and the expected data volume.

  2. Select hardware components: Choose the appropriate hardware components for your data acquisition system. This typically includes sensors, transducers, signal conditioning devices, and data acquisition devices. Consider factors such as compatibility, accuracy, resolution, and connectivity options.

  3. Design the data acquisition interface: Develop a system for interfacing with the sensors and devices to acquire data. This can involve analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) to convert analog signals into digital data, amplifiers for signal conditioning, and appropriate connectors and cables.

  4. Choose a data acquisition method: Decide on the most suitable data acquisition method based on your requirements. There are various approaches, including direct wiring, wireless communication, and bus protocols such as USB, Ethernet, or GPIB. Consider factors such as data transfer speed, reliability, and scalability.

  5. Develop software for data acquisition: Create software to control and manage the data acquisition process. This can involve programming languages such as Python, C/C++, or LabVIEW. The software should be capable of configuring the hardware, initiating data acquisition, and storing the acquired data in a suitable format.

  6. Implement data storage and management: Determine how and where you will store and manage the acquired data. This can involve databases, file systems, or cloud storage solutions. Consider factors such as data organization, backup strategies, and security.

  7. Perform data analysis and visualization: Develop methods to analyze and visualize the acquired data. This can involve using statistical analysis tools, data processing algorithms, and visualization libraries to derive insights from the collected data.

  8. Test and validate the system: Conduct thorough testing and validation of your data acquisition system to ensure it meets the desired specifications and performs reliably. Test the system with different scenarios and conditions to verify its accuracy, stability, and robustness.

  9. Implement scalability and flexibility: Consider the future scalability and flexibility of your data acquisition system. Ensure that it can accommodate additional sensors or devices, handle increased data volume, and support evolving requirements.

  10. Document and maintain the system: Document the system design, hardware components, software implementation, and any troubleshooting steps. This documentation will be valuable for future maintenance, upgrades, and knowledge transfer.

Remember, developing a data acquisition system can be complex and requires expertise in hardware, software, and data analysis. It may be beneficial to consult with domain experts or engineers with experience in data acquisition systems to ensure a successful implementation.


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