11-14-2021 08:57 PM
When we were trying to image our new Roborio 2.0, it wouldn't show up in the imaging tool. When we looked on the RoboRio itself we had the issue "The device has detected an error in its software. This usually occurs when an attempt to upgrade the software is interrupted. Reinstall software on the device." But when we put in the IP address for the Roborio it said the RoboRio was in safe mode. What should we do?
11-15-2021 08:20 AM
Hello 55sly, thank you for posting.
The roboRIO 2.0 uses a slightly different image that won't be public until FRC Game Tools '22 is released.
As BoKnows posted on this other thread:
..., it looks like there are a few teams here that have a roboRIO 2.0 in hand and are excited to get working with the roboRIO 2.0. For you, I'd encourage you to consider applying to the beta program. Kevin O'Connor announced the beta in a blog here: https://www.firstinspires.org/robotics/frc/blog/2021-2022-beta-testing In his blog, he mentions there will be unlimited teams allowed into the beta this year. As part of the beta testing, there's an early FRC Game Tools 2022 beta build that includes an image for the roboRIO 2.0.