Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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Using VEE with DMM and Modular Instruments not supported by Traditional DAQ

Hello all,


I understand that VEE’s latest release has support for DMM’s and Modular Instruments that are supported under traditional DAQ.  I would like to also control the newer Modular Instruments that are only supported under DAQmx.  I have seen the post that talks about accessing an M-Series board and have tried to create a .h file for VEE ( but have been unsuccessful thus far. I'm using the nidmm_32.dll located in the /Program Files\IVI\Bin folder. I’ve included the .h file that I’ve created and would love any help or suggestions. The program compiles fine but I am getting a error -1074130544 from niDMM_ConfigureMeasurement. 




Cactus Wire drawer

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Message 1 of 3
Dear Cactus Wire drawer,
 I have a few questions and a possible solution.  First, have you been able to successfully use the DMM using the NI-DMM Soft Front Panel?  This is actually an important step because its an easy way to make sure the DMM is working correctly.  You may be already well past this step, but I just wanted to make sure.
Secondly, is it possible that you have two open projects which reference the DMM?  This error has occured in the past when two projects, both using the DMM, are simultaneously open.  If this is the case, try closing one of the project to see if you still get the error.  Hope this helps!
David Hall | Applications Engineering | National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3


There are a few suggestion I would make. I would consider using the same parameter names for the functions that you have modified in your nidmmtest_vee.h file as in nidmm.h. For example; the nidmm.h header file list the following prototype for Configure Measurement:

   ViStatus NIDMM_DECLSPEC _VI_FUNC niDMM_ConfigureMeasurement(
      ViSession   vi,
      ViInt32     measFunction,
      ViReal64    range,
      ViReal64    resolution);

Notice that the parameters listed in bold are not the same as what you have specified in your modified header file.

Also consider that the resolution parameter for this function is specified in absolute resolution, not digits. This function was prior to the ConfigureMeasurementAbsolute and ConfigureMeasurementDigits that exist in the latest drivers.

Have you considered using LabVIEW? LabVIEW provides many powerful features that take advantage of our modular instruments such as integrated DMM/Switch Express VIs that programs the device with easy to use configuration prompts as well as specific indicators that integrate with Modular instruments to provide tools like digital waveform graphs for our High Speed DIO boards and many more features. There are also pre-written examples to get you started quickly.

You can try LabVIEW out at the following link without any installation:

Good Luck,

Shea C

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