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Logical Name dose not work when selecting iviDCPwr, but works on iviSwtch

Logical Name dose not appear when selecting iviDCPwr for our NI PXI 4110/4130 DC power/SMU (physical name works), but appears when selecting  iviSwtch for matrix and MUX.


Message Edited by WeiL on 11-30-2009 02:42 PM
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I think that we probably need to get more context about where you are trying to access the logical names from.  Are you in the IVI configuration in MAX?  Are you using one of the IVI class plugins for TestStand or SignalExpress?


My suspicion is that the reason that a logical name does not appear is that one has not been created in the IVI configuration for your 4110 and 4130 (but that names *have* been created for your switches).  


In the "IVI Drivers" portion of the tree in the Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX), you can create your own logical names for IVI devices.  You can think of a logical name as a sort of redirector.  A "logical name" points to a "driver session".  A "driver session", in turn, contains settings for which instrument driver to use as well as your hardware resource name.  The logical name provides a way for you to interchange instruments at a configuration level without having to change code written to use that logical name.  This interchangeability is one of the key benefits of IVI.


So why would you have switch logical names and not names for your 4110/4130?  One thought is that if you have NI Switch Executive on your system, it is possible that the logical names for your switches were created automatically.  Either way, those are also editable through the IVI drivers section of the MAX tree.


If I'm wrong about the configuration, reply back with some details on what software you are using to try to select the logical name and perhaps we can provide further advice. 

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Thank you very much!


I have resolved this problem by this way: assign the “Resource Descriptor” Name in the Hardware Assets to “SMU_4Q_0” ,which is the IVI logical name linked to thru IVI Driver Sessions, is the same name in the [MAX\My System\Devices and Interface\PXI-1054 “Chassis I”\6: NI PXI-4310 “SMU_4Q_0”]  The problem was that, in the IVI Hardware Assets\Resource Descriptor drop down list, I could not find the “SMU_4Q_0”, but “PXI 11::10::INSTR” (I identified this name was correct for the “SMU_4Q_0” from Windows OS hardware device manager). You are right, for the Swithces, the Hardware Assets name and Resource Descriptor are automatically loaded by MAX which is like this “PXI Slot5, etc”,  and this why there is no problem, but not for other devices, like DC/SMU, DMM, etc.


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