07-14-2008 03:35 PM
07-15-2008 02:55 PM
Hi Matt,
A line refers to only bit on the 6009 a port is s group of lines, so depending on what you want to accomplish you will select, lines or port. The best suggestion I can give you is to try both so you can learn what the differences are.
Another option instead of using the DAQ assistant you can use the same low level VIs that are use when the DAQ assistant is created, giving you a little bit more freedom on things to do. Best place to play with these would be: help->find examples->Hardware Input and Output->Digital Generation. Examples like: “Write Dig Chan.vi”.
What I’m going to do is to point you out to a couple of
articles you can find online (please let me know if they are helpful), Getting Started with
NI-DAQmx: Using the DAQ Assistant and Learn 10 Functions in
NI-DAQmx and Handle 80 Percent of Your Data Acquisition Applications.
I hope it helps
07-24-2008 07:43 AM
07-24-2008 09:10 AM
07-29-2008 09:53 AM
07-29-2008 10:33 AM
You don't have the correct hardware to do timed output. You can only do software timed I/O. Here's a real basic example of a state machine with the DAQ Assistant and Elapsed Time Express VIs.
You'll want to modify it some if you need to stop it early.
07-29-2008 02:24 PM
Thank you for your help. That program, Basic Software Timed Digital.vi , is what I need. I've been modifying it slightly, and I have it the exact way that I need it. However, the ratio seems to be unchangeable. That's fine for now, because I need it as it is, but if i need to change the ratio of activated time and unactivated time, how do I go about that?
07-29-2008 03:40 PM
07-31-2008 02:08 PM
08-01-2008 01:20 PM