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What .dll to use for using NI-PCI-6703? (nicaiu.dll or nidaq32.dll)

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Hi there! I'm programming in ATEasy (from Geotest Inc.). I have to embed a NI-PCI-6703 board and I need the driver for it. I don't know which .dll file to use: nicaiu.dll or nidaq32.dll. What's the difference between these 2 files? Which one is better for me to use? Please help me!

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Message 1 of 6
Accepted by topic author marles

It depends on if you are using the Traditional DAQ driver or the DAQmx driver. If you are using the DAQmx driver then you will want to use the nicaiu.dll. This link helps explain the necessary information for you to use for your application.


David A.

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Dear all,


I am using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 together with a PCI-MIO-16E card for controlling hardware.

I am trying to activate the DAQmx functions, however, the VB always prompts "File Not Found: Nicaiu.dll".

I understand that Nicaiu.dll is the library for DAQmx that is crucial towards enabling user to employ the vast number of DAQmx functions.


Note that I have referenced to the NI DAQmx C API, and have activated the DAQmxErrCheck.bas module. BTW, I am using DAQmx 8.9!


Looking forward to hearing from NI.


Best regards,

SK Teh



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Message 3 of 6

Hi SK Teh,


Thanks for the questions, however I noticed that this post isn't related to the previous posts except for the .dll and I would like to encourage you to start a new thread next time.


You are getting a "File not found" error, but if you go to your Windows/System32 folder, is the file located there?  This will help us determine if the file is not there and the code isn't pointing to it correctly or if you will need to reinstall your driver.  Would you mind posting a screen shot of the error code?  I would like to be able to look at exactly what error is returning.

Sarah Yost
Senior Product Marketing Manager
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Dear Sarah,


Thanks for the reply.

I will do that next time (BTW, how to initiate a topic discussion?)!


I have solved the previous problem. I have installed the latest DAQmx version 9, and things are resolved. It appears version 8.9 is not compatible.


Currently, I am trying to activate the DAQmxCfgDigEdgeStartTrig function.

I am using the PFI0 as the digital trigger source.

However, it seems that my device is not working at all. I am using the measurement and automation explorer to verify this, and it shows the that it is not functioning with the PFI0 as the trigger source too.

I am not too sure whether I need to connect any physical wire to the PIN assocated with PFI0.
If i do, since there are two ends to the physical wire, where do I connect the other end of the physical wire to?


Hope to hear from you really soon!




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Message 5 of 6

Hi SK,


To make a new discussion forum post, go to the forum you wish to post on and click on "New Message" in the left side of the page under the Announcements section.


To address your other question, yes, you will need to connect a physical wire between your trigger source and your PFI line.  A PFI line is a programable functional interface and is meant for an external signal, such as a digital TTL signal, which will trigger your acquisition in hardware.  Do you have a specific trigger source that you are planning to use in your application?  Once you have your trigger source, you can feed that into PFI 0, start your task, and the digital edge will trigger the acquisition to begin.


Also, I don't know if you are aware, but there are a lot of helpful examples in C for DAQmx.  You can find them by going to Start » All Programs » National Instruments » NI-DAQ » Text-based Code Support » ANSI C Examples.

Sarah Yost
Senior Product Marketing Manager
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Message 6 of 6