Digital I/O

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PCIe 6535b working in burst trigger mode

Hello all,


I want my PCIe 6535b NI card to work as a master device so that during continuous digital output it can also output trigger signal to other devices. I want the card to send out trigger signal every N scan. For example, after every 10 digital output from 32 lines, I hope I can get 1 trigger pulse from PFI3. I have been  struggling to achieve this for quite a long time. Please help me out!  


I'd like to provide more details about my problems. I developed my own code based on the sample code "Digital (Pipelined sample clock) - Continuous". Firstly, I tried to use the sample clock (output from PFI4) as the trigger signal. However, I notice that the sample clock is always there even I stop the program or kill LabVIEW. Why is it like this? Are there some configurations that I can set the sample clock output to 0 when I hit "Stop" button in my program? Or how can I copy the sample clock to another line ( e.g. PFI3) to export it within the "while loop". 



Any help would be appreciated !!!

Thanks you in advance.


Best regards,



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Message 1 of 3

By the way, I notice that there is no counter available from my card. 

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Message 2 of 3

Still waiting for responses!

Anybody can help me with this problem?


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