Hi there,
I have a question about USB Digital I/O 6507.
We proceeding some projects using digital I/O interface. I found your some USB product
and examined they are suitable for us or not.
Unfortunatly, speed is problem.
Speed what we need is approx. 2~4us per one write or read under Linux Kernel 2.6 version
but your NI-DAQmx 8.0 or NI-DAQBase 1.5 device driver rates 160us or more.
So, we consider register level programming for that. According to PCI-6509 showes
outstandable speed - write 0.6 us, read 6~7 us.
My senior engineer order me to find USB product which can supports RLP or suitable
speed digital I/O.
Speed means: interval time from Using output commands or function such like
"g_board->IOPort0Data.writeRegister( 0x0 );"
to real outputs from hard ware channel.
UserAPI DeviceDriver H/W Channel
writeRegister() ---> NI-DAQmxBase1.5 ----> NI-6507 ----> outputChannels ---> cable
| |
|<------------------------------ elapsed time (we need 2~4 us) --------------------->|
Can you understand? :manhappy:
How can I found it? Please help me.
ps) I'm sorry for my short english skill.