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LV Developer Days - What to you want to learn?

Hi to all!

Ownership of LabVIEW Developer Days has landed in my lap and I'm excited to do what I can to deliver the event that you and the rest of the LabVIEW community can learn from.  We have less that a week to define the overall agenda, but have more time to flesh out the details of the presentations.  So here is what I need from you:

If you have a strong opinion of what you would like to see in the presentations, lets us all know here in the comments to this discussion.

NI has 4 presentations that include advanced UI, Design Patterns (not just the stuff that ships with LabVIEW) & OO, Software Development, and Interprocess Communication.  We want to make sure that the experienced developers in our community learn something new and we also want to have material that will bring more newbies into the fold of having confidence to develop systems in LabVIEW.

So please comment on any ideas you've had past, present, and future with regards to Dev Days.

Oh, and save the date:  3/3/2011!!



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Message 1 of 9

DFIR, in depth.

Nothing gives insight into a programming language like a study of the compiler.  Much of the LV compiler is hidden from us end users, but DFIR offers a great mid-level view to see how the pieces fit together.

Thanks for your work on this Nancy.


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

I agree with those four items and with DFIR.

How about some topics that don't have as much coverage as those first three?  I think that software development has a ton of coverage, and there's quite a bit of information out there on advanced UI, Design Patterns/OO.  It may just be ego, but it seems like the Colorado community has pretty good depth on LabVIEW proper, and I at least would like some more breadth.

I haven't seen as much coverage in Dev Days/NITS of the next tier of items, all of which I think are important to have in our arsenal (roughly in order of my preference):

  • LabVIEW RT/FPGA (we've seen quite a bit of this, but it's my favorite area)
  • Control Design and Simulation Module
  • TestStand
  • Vision
  • I'd love any training or expertise on the following toolkits
    • Digital Filter Design Toolkit
    • Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit
    • Sound and Vibration Toolkit


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Message 3 of 9

How about advanced DAQmx or advanced Realtime programming? I could really use these.



325 Broadway

Boulder, CO 80305


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Message 4 of 9

Hi Joe,

I concur with your comments and need your help if I were to make this one happen.  There is a presentation from NIWeek that covers these compiler changes.  However, though I learned more about the complier, I personally did not walk away with greater LabVIEW proficiency.  Instead, I realized I could get a little lazy as the compiler would now do some optimization for me.  So let me know what your thoughts are on how we can roll this deeper understanding of the compiler into greater proficiency among our advanced community.

On the flip side, our R&D resource for the event may have some extensive understanding of the compiler.  I'm leaning towards a panel discussion over lunch, as opposed to a keynote, so this could be a great opportunity for indepth questions.  Additionally I can ensure you get a chance to meet him.

Thanks for your thoughts and looking forward to continuing the discussion.

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Message 5 of 9


Did I just hear you volunteer for the RT/FPGA presentation?

Thanks for bringing up these topics.  Based on your understanding of the LabVIEW community, What would you pick if you could pick one.  I would chose RT/FPGA or TestStand. 

I think a useful TestStand presentation would focus less on TestStand mechanics and more fully on the design decisions related to the LabVIEW integration - perhaps with an eye towards migrating from homegrown solutions.

So let me now if you have more details and I'll see what i can do.

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Message 6 of 9

Hi Laurel

Thanks for the input.  Let me know if you have more specifics.  I would lean towards RT as that is a newer beast that requires a jump in one's knowledge.

Besides, I think Matt just volunteered to present.

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Message 7 of 9

Hi Nancy,

Congrats on running Dev Days! I'll ask Chris if he wants to do a TestStand presentation.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

That's sneaky what you did there. Well played.  Of course I'd be happy to present if you can't find someone better.

If I had to pick just one of those topics, I might go with TestStand.  I think there's quite a bit of information out there on RT/FPGA, but not much on TestStand, and I think a lot of LabVIEW users end up developing their own test executive without considering TestStand or knowing it exists.

But I think Laurel's suggestion of advanced RT would be good as well.

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Message 9 of 9