Hello guys!
Evaluating some data, I just wondering about the behavior of the waveform transformation.
Data (numeric) recorded with 10 kHz.
To transform numeric into waveform, I create the time channel with start time, microseconds as unit, 100 as step, and the number of values the same as for the data channels.
Then transform.
Resulting step of the waveform is not 1e-04, but a curious value slightly lower, around 9.9182E-05 (with DIADEM 2015) or 9.9999E-05 (with DIADEM 2019).
set chan = Data.Root.ActiveChannelGroup.Channels("Time")
t_s = TTR(Data.Root.Properties("Startzeitpunkt").Value)
dt = (chan(3)-chan(2))/(1e-06)
no = chan.Properties("length").Value
Call ChnGenTime("/TimeGenerated","microsecond",t_s,,dt,"StartStepNo",no)
Call ChnToWfChn("[1]/TimeGenerated","'[1]/Time' - '[1]/CE03'",0,"WfXAbsolute")
Have a small file example attached.
It's not an issue to change it "manually", but why this occurs? And why the step is not the same for different program versions?
Any ideas?