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Load and run a vbscript in aother vbscript - Diadem2015

Hello colleagues,


I need to create a script witch should run another script inside.

Let's call script A - new script and script B- old script with calculation inside.

Script A is located in: \\Desktop\Script\

Script B is located in: \\Desktop\Script\01.Before


I try to use:


Dim filepathh,objshell
filepathh = Chr(34) & "C:\Users\xxxxxx\Desktop\script\01.Before\scriptB.vbs" & Chr(34) 

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")\

objshell.Run "wscript.exe " & filepathh, 0, True

Set objShell = Nothing


But I have Windows Script Host error from script B when running script A " Variable is undefined :"ScriptCmdReset" code 800A01F4. This error occurs only when try to run script B from script A. If I run script B in solo mode, running without any kind of problem. 

How should I handle this?


Thank you in advance!

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There are two ways to run a script from another script within DIAdem:


Call ScriptStart(ScriptFile, [VBSProcName])




Call ScriptInclude(ScriptFile, [ScriptScope])


For the differences between these two see DIAdem help.

Holger Müller

DIAdem experience since 1996
Turn-key applications - Remote and on-site trainings - On-the-job training

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| Email: mueller@mueller-krahmer.de | Web: www.mueller-krahmer.de |
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