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How do I import binary data files (with header info) into DIAdem?

We have lots of data acquired by nCode datagate. Files are binary data with header info. How do I import this into DIAdem? Typical (short) file attached. Also of interest, can I stream data from Sony PC208/SIR1000 recorders?
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Message 1 of 4
You have to check how the data are stored in the binary file (ie. 32-48-64bits/sample). Then you should be able to import the file into DIAdem with "File | Import via header" where you describe how the file is stored.
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Message 2 of 4
I have successfully imported your file into DIAdem using the nCode file filter included with DIAdem. You might have to make that file filter known to DIAdem by following these steps (this assumes you have version 8 of DIAdem):

1. Go to the 'Window' menu in DIAdem and select 'Close all'
2. Go to the 'Settings' menu and select 'GPI-DLL Registration'
3. Click the 'Add' button in the window and select the 'GfSnCode' DLL in the 'DIAdem/AddInfo' directory
4. The program will prompt you to restart.
5. After you have restarted DIAdem, go to the DATA icon, select 'File - Open' from the DATA menu and in the dialog that appears, choose 'nSoft Data File Format' in the 'Files of type:' field.
6. Select your data file and load

That's it.

With regards to your Sony reco
rder data, I would need to get my hands on an actual data file to try it out. In general, DIAdem can import ANY binary file format by creating a header in the 'File - Import via header' section in DATA. If you have lots of data files from the SONY recorder, a DLL can be created for that specific file format with the free DLL toolkit included with DIAdem.

Leave me a message here if you have any additional questions.

Otmar D. Foehner
Message 3 of 4
Thanks for that, I haven't felt so stupid for ages. I completely missed the additional file filter DLLs. I'll try again on the Sony at some later date. Good to know someone out there reads manuals!
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Message 4 of 4