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Hardware in the loop/ Script serial output




I am working right now on a solution for my problem: I want to check sensor channel for a certain limit value WHILE measuring.  If the value measured exeeds the given limit it should send a serial output "1" to a COM port. I wanna use DAC script driver for this.

My problem right now: I have no clue how to get and work with the data from the sensor channel with delay, as little as possible.

What I got already for the Output:


Dim oSerialPort

' Initialize COM port
Sub SFD_Init( DeviceParam1V, DeviceParam2V, ErrorP )
  'Open and initialize object
   Set oSerialPort = CreateObject("DIAdem.SFD.UDI") 
  'open the serial port (COM10)
  Call oSerialPort.Open("COM", "COM10")
  'set the baud rate (here 9600 baud)
  Call oSerialPort.ParamSet( "BAUDRATE","9600")
End Sub

' Error
Sub SFD_DeInit(ErrorP )
  ' close the COM port
  ' and release the UDI object
  Set oUDIM = Nothing
End Sub

'Take the newest value from data channel. If value > 15 write "1" to serial COM port

pressure_measured =
   While pressure_measured  > 15
	Call oSerialPort.Write("1") 

' Close port
 'Delete object :
  Set oUDIM = Nothing
End Sub


Thanks for your help!


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