08-07-2017 10:42 AM
I wrote a little script:to download an ASCII file (4kB) (see below) and I always retrieving an empty file (0kB). With FileZilla I don't have any issues.
Any advises? (Encoding / FTPClient)
DataReadPath ="X:\Dokumentation\Energiverbrauch"
Const sFTPServerAddress = "10.111.111.xx" Const sUser = "user" Const sPW = "passwort" Const sDownloadDir = "/usr/sicx/mount/os1/data/cpm/ap/" Const sFuelFile = "TEXTFILE.txt"
Sub btnDownloadFile_EventClick(ByRef This) 'Erzeugter Event-Handler Dim conState, dlState conState = ConnectToFTP(sFTPServerAddress, sUser ,sPW) If conState > 0 Then txtFTPPath.ForeColor = VBGreen txtFTPPath.Text = sDownloadDir & sFuelFile dlState = DownLoadFuelData(conState, sDownloadDir, sFuelFile, DataReadPath) Select Case dlState Case "FTPNoError" btnLoadFile.Enable = true OK.Enable = true Call MsgBox("Download completed") Case "FTPError" Call MsgBox("An error occured") Case "FTPTimeout" Call MsgBox ("Timeout") Case "FTPAbort" Call MsgBox ("Cancel") End Select Else txtFTPPath.ForeColor = VBRed txtFTPPath.Text = "Could not connect to the server." End If Call FTPDisconnect(conState) End Sub
Function ConnectToFTP(ipAddress, user, pw) Dim conState conState = FTPConnect(ipAddress, user, pw) ConnectToFTP = conState End Function
Function DownLoadFuelData(oConnectionState, sSourceDir, sFileName, sTargetDir) Dim oDownloadState If oConnectionState > 0 Then 'Call MsgBox(sTargetDir & " " & sFileName) Call LogFileWrite("Handle: " & oConnectionState & " SourcePath: " & sSourceDir & sFileName & " TargetDir: " & sTargetDir) oDownloadState = FTPDownload(oConnectionState, sSourceDir, sFileName, sTargetDir) Else Call MsgBox("Could not connect to the server.") End If DownLoadFuelData = oDownloadState End Function
08-08-2017 10:24 AM
I found the problem. It's an encoding issue. The ASCII file contains "NAK, Negative Acknowledge" sign.
Is there a way to add maybe a hidden parameter to the FTPClient?
08-09-2017 02:15 AM - edited 08-09-2017 02:16 AM
Potentially it is easier to use the shell methods instead.
Option Explicit dim user : user = "" dim pwd : pwd = "" dim path : path = "ftp://" & user & ":" & pwd & "@ftp.ni.com/README.txt" dim targetpath : targetPath = "C:\temp" dim oShell : Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") dim oftp : set oFtp = oShell.NameSpace(path) dim targetFolder : set targetFolder = oShell.NameSpace(targetPath) call targetFolder.CopyHere(oftp)
which just uses Windows Explorer functionallity. In this case binary is the default. The CopyHere can be configured to supress the dialog.