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I am using the search function "ChnFind" in Diadem version 10.2. My function call looks like this:
Dim StartIndex_Hin, MinWinkel
MinWinkel= CCh(Channel,1) ' Search the Minimumvalue in the channel
StartWinkelHin = MinWinkel + 10  ' MinValue + 10
StartIndex_Hin = ChnFind("Ch("&Channel&")>"StartWinkelHin"",0) ' finde the value (StartWinkelHin ) in the Channel
Unfortunately it doesnt work. I get the error that ")" is missing . . . .
When I use the function call:
StartIndex_Hin = ChnFind("Ch(""1/Winkel A"")>10",0)
Everything works good!!!
Can you tell me what am I doing wrong?
thanks for your help!
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9
Hello FHM!
Assuming 'StartWinkelHin' is a VBS variable, DIAdem can not access it in ChnFind! One solution is to convert the value to the string reprsentation like this:
StartIndex_Hin = ChnFind("Ch("&Channel&")>" & str(StartWinkelHin),0) ' finde the value (StartWinkelHin ) in the Channel
Another approach is to use a DIAdem variable for the compare value like R1.
Matthias Alleweldt
Project Engineer / Projektingenieur
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9
Thank you for your quick reply. I test both of them but it didnt work. any another idea ?
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Hello FHM!

I will add my complete code. In my test everything works fine!

Option Explicit
Dim StartIndex_Hin, MinWinkel
Dim Channel
Dim StartWinkelHin
Channel = 2
MinWinkel= CCh(Channel,1) ' Search the Minimumvalue in the channel
StartWinkelHin = MinWinkel + 10  ' MinValue + 10
StartIndex_Hin = ChnFind("Ch("&Channel&") > " & str(StartWinkelHin),0) ' finde the value (StartWinkelHin ) in the Channel
MsgBox StartIndex_Hin


Matthias Alleweldt
Project Engineer / Projektingenieur
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

thanks for your reply. You are right it works fine as long you use "Channel=2" if you use "Channel="Test" " it wont work any more. The error tells that ")" is needed.

that was and is still the problem Smiley Sad

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9
Hello FHM!
If Channel is a string the code has to look like this:
Option Explicit
Dim StartIndex_Hin, MinWinkel
Dim Channel
Dim StartWinkelHin
Channel = "Test"
MinWinkel= CCh(Channel,1) ' Search the Minimumvalue in the channel
StartWinkelHin = MinWinkel + 10  ' MinValue + 10
StartIndex_Hin = ChnFind("Ch("""&Channel&""" ) > " & str(StartWinkelHin),0) ' finde the value (StartWinkelHin ) in the Channel
MsgBox StartIndex_Hin
Important are the additional double quotes! A good practice is to display the expression in the ChnFind with a Messagebox like this
There it is easier to see the syntax faults.
Call MsgBox("Ch("""&Channel&""" ) > " & str(StartWinkelHin))
Matthias Alleweldt
Project Engineer / Projektingenieur
Message 6 of 9