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ChnEventFind could not find timestamp

I have a timestamp channel as


I would like to find index where the timestamp is larger than "06/01/2017" and remove data of all channels at index before this timestamps I can successfully use ChnFind to and DataBlDel to do it as:


index = ChnFind("ValEqualGT(A,B)", 1, array("A", "B"), array(oGrp.Channels("CorrectedDateTime"), CDate("06/01/2017")))
Call DataBlDel(oGrp.Channels,1,index-1)

However, it takes long for ChnFind function to find the index.



Is it possible to use ChnEventFind to achieve same result? Here is what I tried but the ChnEventDuration gave 0.

ChnEventResultList = ChnEventFind("(A > B)", array("A","B"),array(Data.GetChannel("[1]/CorrectedDateTime"), CDate("06/01/2017")))

Also, in ChnEventFind, why did it fail when I use oGrp.Channels("CorrectedDateTime") instead of Data.GetChannel("[1]/CorrectedDateTime") ?


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Your ChnFind seems overly complicated just for finding an index. Maybe you can try something like this ?


dim i

i = PNo(Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("Date"), CDate("04/27/2006"))
Call DataBlDel(Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("Date"), 1, i - 1)
Call DataBlDel(Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("Serial number"), 1, i - 1)

That's just an example, there are a lot of different ways to get the index in your case 🙂


The PNo function doc : http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/370858M-01/functions/functions/pno/

CLAMaxime -- Kudos are a great way to say thank you
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