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CSV Export with Units

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 Brad, I don't see an option in Diadem 2018 for exporting properties as a row.  The only options i see are Separator, Decimal Separator, File Encoding, Time format, and Enclosing text with double quotes.

Is there a secret parameter available in scripting export channel properties as a row of a csv file?  Or is your workaround still the only way?

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 15

Sorry DIAdem 2018 still does not include such a feature.

So the workaround is still the only way.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 15

Hey there experts,

I'm quite new to vbs scripting but now I have the task to rewrite our old script from 2012.

I added the following code to export my data as an csv file:

Option Explicit  'Erzwingt die explizite Deklaration aller Variablen in einem Script.
Dim oMyChannelList, dateiexcel, pfad, versuch

Set oMyChannelList = Data.GetChannels("[2]/[1]")
Call oMyChannelList.Add(Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels(2))
Call oMyChannelList.Add(Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels(3))

versuch = "Versuchsnummer"                                                       'kann im biax script entfallen, da der jeweilige Versuchsname in Zeile 95 an das Script übergeben wird.

Dim MyFolders()
Call FolderCreate("C:\Users\Andre\Desktop\Excel Export\" & versuch & "\")        'erstellt einen neuen Ordner mit dem Entsprechenden Versuchsnamen

ReDim MyFolders(1)
MyFolders(0)=("C:\Users\Andre\Desktop\Excel Export\" & versuch & "\")            'muss im Script entsprechend auf den Ordner Versuche angepasst werden
Call DataFileSaveSel(MyFolders(0)& versuch & ".csv","CSV", oMyChannelList)
Call DataFileSaveSel(MyFolders(0)& versuch & "eng.csv","CSV", oMyChannelList)

function CsvParameters(byval filePath, byVal lang)                               'konfiguriert die CSV Datei in Bezug auf Trennzeichen und Spaltentrennung etc.
  select case lang
    case "ger"
      CsvParameters = "<filename>" & replace(filePath, "&", "&amp;") _
      & "</filename><decimalpoint>,</decimalpoint><delimiter>;</delimiter><timeformat>DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss</timeformat>"
    case "eng"
      CsvParameters = "<filename>" & replace(filePath, "&", "&amp;") _
      & "</filename><decimalpoint>.</decimalpoint><delimiter>,</delimiter><timeformat>MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss pp</timeformat>"
    case else
      CsvParameters = filePath
  end select
end function

But as always the export is without units. Now I don't know where to fill in the Code that Brad provided many years ago, or is there a better method by now?


Thanks in advance and I would appreciate any help! 😉

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 15

Hi Andre,


My script was so old it wouldn't run in DIAdem 2020, so I had to update it and simplify it some.  See if this gives you the idea how to hot-swap the next few header lines for the name of the last channel being exported.  The only down-side is that any "/" characters in the get turned into "\" because of the Group/Channel requirement to be unique.

Dim FileNamePath, HeaderLines, Group
Call DataDelAll
Call DataFileLoad(AutoActPath & "Example.tdm")
FileNamePath = AutoActPath & "Example.txt"
HeaderLines = "Version 1.10" & vbCRLF & RTT(TTR(CurrDateTime), "#yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.ffff")
'Set Group = Data.Root.ActiveChannelGroup
Set Group = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1)
Call GroupAsciiExport(Group.Channels, FileNamePath, HeaderLines)
Call ExtProgram(FileNamePath)

Sub GroupAsciiExport(Channels, FileNamePath, HeaderLines)
  Dim j, Ch1, ChN, HdrStr, SelChans, ExportGroup, SourceGroup, SourceChan, SourceName
  j = Channels.Count
  HdrStr = GetHdrStr(Channels)
  Ch1 = Channels(1).Name
  ChN = Channels(j).Name
  Channels(1).Name = HeaderLines & vbCRLF & Ch1 
  Channels(j).Name = ChN & vbCRLF & HdrStr
  Call DataFileSaveSel(FileNamePath, "CSV", Group.Channels)
  Channels(1).Name = Ch1
  Channels(j).Name = ChN
End Sub ' GroupAsciiExport()

Function GetHdrStr(Channels)
  Dim j, Channel, HdrStr
  FOR Each Channel In Channels
    HdrStr = HdrStr & ChnDim(Channel)  & vbTAB
  NEXT ' Channel
  HdrStr = Left(HdrStr, Len(HdrStr)-1) & vbCRLF
  FOR Each Channel In Channels
    HdrStr = HdrStr & ChnComment(Channel) & vbTAB
  NEXT ' j
GetHdrStr = HdrStr
End Function ' GetHdrStr()

' "filename"             specifies the file that is to be read. 
' "characterset"         can have two possible values: utf16 (bmp) and ansi. Future possible values include UTF8, etc. 
' "delimiter"            is the character used to seperate values. Only tab, semi-colon, and comma will be supported in the first version 
' "numstartrow"          is the index of the row to start reading at. 
' "firstrowchannelnames" is true if the first row contains the names of the channels following it. 
' "firstcolumntime"      indicates that the first column contains time data. These times will be interpreted as absolute times. 
' "decimalpoint"         indicates whether a "." or a "," is used to seperate the integral part of the number from the fractional part. 
' "timeformat"           indicates what time format to expect in the document and how to write the time format back out again. 



Message 14 of 15

Hi Brad,


thanks a lot for your effort! It seems all is working as planned. 😃

(sorry for the late reply =/ )


Best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 15 of 15