Follow along with these video clips to verify correct operation of the NI myDAQ Audio Output and Audio Input channels.
Loopback test:
Requires only the 3.5mm stereo cable that ships with NI myDAQ
NI ELVISmx Arbitrary Waveform Generator produces a pair of distinct waveforms for the left and right channels of the myDAQ Audio Output
NI ELVSImx Oscilloscope observes the left and right channels of the myDAQ Audio Input
The video clip also identifies the left channel on the "tip" of the stereo cable plug and the right channel on the "ring" of the stereo plug
Audio pass-through test:
Requires the "Pass Audio-In to Audio-Out" LabVIEW VI linked at the bottom of this document; this VI includes a convenient pair of audio level meters to monitor the audio input
Requires the 3.5mm stereo cable that ships the NI myDAQ
Requires an audio source such as a portable music player or computer soundcard
The audio file "audio-channel-test.wav" linked at the bottom of this document provides a stereo (two-channel) source to identify the left and right channels