Note on using the Lab Exercise Submission Template: This template is designed to ease the process of uploading course material to the Courseware Community. The use of the template is optional, and you may choose to use your own format or upload materials as attachments instead. All authors, regardless of format used for uploading, will be considered for publication.
Email Address (optional):
<insert title here and update title of document above toolbar>
<if available, insert an image of the lab setup or lab in action>
<insert a brief description of your course and where this lab fits in>
<insert any notes that an instructor might need before beginning the lab - ex: notes about pre-lab setup, configuration, etc.>
<list the objectives of the lab exercise>
<insert a list of components, accessories, computer setups, and NI hardware and software used in this lab>
<Insert a detailed description of the experiment procedure. You may instead include the procedure as an attachment. Screenshots and photos are encouraged.>
<insert any notes on expected solutions/outcomes/conclusions>
<Select the check box next to the language your document is written in under "Categories" below>
Attachments (if applicable)
<Attach any example code, PDF files, or other relevant material in the "Attach Files" box below. Multiple attachments are allowed.>