02-03-2023 04:11 PM
This was asked on another section but they cannot seem to solve it since it's more related to continues integration (https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Continuous-integration-w-gitLab-not-working-after-updating/m-p/4281...😞
We have a CI/CD git runner setup working before. It used to run on Labview 2019 and I have mass compiled it into Labview 2022 and now the broken code report looks odd, at the First Broken Commit column, it says that "This VI has the 'Separate compiled code from source file' setting disabled" instead of showing actually commit#.
This is what is like now after running the pipeline:
This is what it used to do on another project:
02-06-2023 11:14 AM - edited 02-06-2023 11:15 AM
Hi all,
This is an internal tool that, I will be supporting the team.
Anish T.
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யாதும் ஊரே! யாவரும் கேளிர்!!
03-01-2023 04:12 PM
The vi broken code analyzer is working now but I am getting items that are supposedly warning items (not using high resolution polling wait vi instead of using wait (ms) vi) rather than actually broken vis in the broken code list now. Are there any way to ignore these type of warnings?
03-01-2023 09:34 PM
The VI Analyser is uses configuration (*.vian) file, looks like that file is modified. Open the file in VI Analyser and uncheck all items except for broken VI Test.
அனிச்பிரபு தி.
முதல் இந்திய ஆய்வுமெகபொப சிற்பி
சோதனைநிறுத்தம் சிற்பி
மற்ற சான்றிதழ்கள்
யாதும் ஊரே! யாவரும் கேளிர்!!
03-08-2023 06:19 PM
Hi Anish, where is this VI analyzer you are talking about. I was trying to find it but only could find a VI analyzer launcher and after running it I was able to see analyzer GUI. Is that what you are talking about? But I cannot find the option to open the .vlan file.
03-08-2023 08:56 PM
Yes, that is VI analyzer app. The configuration is openable from another app menu. All the test items must be deselected, and only Broken Vi test should be selected.
அனிச்பிரபு தி.
முதல் இந்திய ஆய்வுமெகபொப சிற்பி
சோதனைநிறுத்தம் சிற்பி
மற்ற சான்றிதழ்கள்
யாதும் ஊரே! யாவரும் கேளிர்!!
03-09-2023 03:04 PM
My issue is that the config file only has Broken Code Vi selected, but in reality it's checking something else as well.