This document is a follow-up of the previous document Exponential Progression of virus pandemic (Covid-19). In the present document, I explore the use of the iterative logistic map equation (Zn+1(R) = R*(1 - Zn)*Zn) to represent the flattening of the curve as the virus propagation slows down. I have created a VI that I present a VI that plots the outputs of the logistic map equation for 2000 different values of rate R and for 250 iterations for each of those R values.The VI provides the ability to zoom in any region of the plot to explore chaotic and fractal aspects of the logistic map equation. This VI also provides the ability to calculate and plot the iterative outputs of the Mandelbrot equation (Zn(c) = (Zn-1)^2+c.
The code is available with this document. The code also includes a VI to plot in 2D the Mandelbrot and Julia sets. This VI had already been posted.
Below is a video that derives the logistic map equation, presents results, and makes the link with fractals.