Budapest LabVIEW User Group (BudLUG)

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BudLUG #3 Online? Who would like to attend, contribute, present?

Hello BudLUG community! I was really disappointing in April when we couldn't organize our event due to COVID complications.

It is time to fight back, and the simple way how we can do that is to organize our event online!


I kindly ask you to share your opinions and suggestions, how would you like the JULY 15th BudLUG #3 to look like? We can reuse the topic ideas we already collected, however I do not want this to be purely a set of presentation sessions. I want to encourage discussion and exchange of ideas.


How can we do that best?

Piotr Kruczkowski
Certified TestStand Architect
Certified LabVIEW Architect
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I'm interested in the online version as participant. 


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