06-27-2015 07:16 PM
Not sure if this is interesting to you after such a long time.
I had the samesituation like you have a few months ago.
In a few words, this is one solution:
You need Dräger Infinity Gateway with WinAccess Option
The WinAccess Option gives you an API (C++ DLL including headers) to connect to the Infinty Gateway.
After the connection has been established, you can collect all the data you are interested in.
Take a look at the infinity gateay CD and search for winaccess option.
This is not for free, this option has to be paid seperatly.
Another way is the RS-232, but I didn't have too much knowledge about it.
If you are interested in more information, feel free to contact me.
06-28-2015 12:48 AM
Thank you.
I will explore this option at my hospital.