Actor Framework Discussions

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Communicating to actors from TestStand

You are right, to start everything from TestStand would be much easier. I like TestStand very much, because you it is unbelieveable easy to create functional tests. It is my favorite Sequencer.

And yes, there is a reason. TestStand is an alien application. I have developed a framework, which is used for functional testing. At the beginning it was to provide an application for the hardware products of my employer. It was one of main requirements to be able to use it also in non teststand environments since not every customer wants to use Teststand as sequencer for every functional test.

I didn't plan to build an framework from it and I didn't expect that customers want to have it for all their hardware platforms. It was just planned to provide a common and easy to modify interface for our own hardware.

If I used only TestStand I would not use the actor framework and there would be no problem at all.

Maybe I produced some misunderstanding, because when I wrote that I want to call an actor I meant that I want to send an object to an actor. Im am using a class hierarchy to encapsulate test results. What I wanted to do was to create a subsequence that enqueues the new test result class to an actor in my application. I do not launch actors from teststand at all and if I would do that than you are right, I would start the root actor from it.

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Message 11 of 12

Hi mthimm1

It makes more sense to me now what you are requesting.

There is not a direct and easy solution to what you want but you can make some nice tricks i.e. with Network Queues where you open up a refence to the other application with VI server.

I'd recommend you to look in the direction of the Remote Export Toolkit.

-or at least the methods they are using to communicate between different application instances.



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Message 12 of 12