Actor Framework Discussions

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AF Presentations at NI Week 2013

I would like to get an idea of what sessions at NI Week will be featuring AF.  If you are presenting please put your session information here.

I will be presenting:

Controlling a Nuclear Fusion Particle Accelerator

Tuesday 10:30am


I will focus on the ideas of Application Program Interface (API), programmming to an interface, and Model View Controller.

Hope to see fellow AF programmers there and attend some other great sessions.


Casey Lamers

Phoenix, LLC

CLA, LabVIEW Champion

Check Out the Software Engineering Processes, Architecture, and Design track at NIWeek. 2018 I guarantee you will learn things you can use daily! I will be presenting!

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Message 1 of 20

(We might want to change the title of this discussion to "AF Presentations at NI Week 2013".)

Daklu and I will be presenting Wednesday at 4:45 PM in Room 19A:

What a Software Architect Needs to Know When Using the Actor Framework

Advanced Session

NI's Actor Framework (AF) is a powerful tool for managing concurrent processes, but it requires a principled approach to design and implementation. Learn the right approach to actor-oriented programming—what defines an actor in LabVIEW, how to develop AF applications quickly, how to simulate and test AF components, and how to deploy binaries successfully on the first try. Attendees need to be comfortable with LabVIEW object-oriented programming and be familiar with AF.

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Message 2 of 20

On a search for 'Actor' the NIWeek Conference Content also shows Jordan's talk on Thursday @ 2:15:

TS1631 - Diagnosing Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems With LabVIEW and CompactRIO

Session Speakers
Session Description

Examine an algorithm implemented in LabVIEW that uses system identification and quadratic-programming-based pattern recognition techniques to monitor and diagnose a gear dynamics simulator under varying load and speed. You can apply this approach beyond gearboxes to other challenging dynamic systems monitoring by implementing an object-oriented programming (OOP) architecture with the Actor Framework and a LabVIEW OOP plug-in architecture for CompactRIO. Also review applications in the mobile underground mining environment and relevant networking standards like IREDES and MIMOSA.

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Message 3 of 20

Drat -- this conflicts with the Hands On Object Design Patterns session I was planning to attend!  Maybe you can make the presentation available (please)?

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Message 4 of 20

I'm pretty sure NI makes the slides for all sessions available to attendees after the conference. You'll get the material one way or another, though slides only carry 50% of a presentation's information. Best to attend if you can!

As an aside, the material for that other session has been availble online for years:

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Message 5 of 20

David, you may want to write a paper with all the info and post it, with your code.  In your spare time .

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Message 6 of 20

I already have the rough draft done, but it won't be delivered until later this year (hopefully...if I have spare time then). Again, best to attend the conference session if you can.

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Message 7 of 20

David Staab wrote:

though slides only carry 50% of a presentation's information

If you're lucky.  In my experience seeing the slides without being at the presentation is worth about 10% of actually being there.  I don't think my slide deck is better than most.

Bob, when faced with conflicting presentations of uncertain value, my strategy is to go to the one that is harder to learn with offline sources.  Hands-on sessions with expensive hardware is an example.  I can't say whether you'll get more value out of a hands-on object design pattern session or a session about actors and the AF.  I'm pretty confident there are more people that understand and can help you with design patterns than there are people who can help you with actors.

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Message 8 of 20

I just sat in on a dry-run of the Staab/Daklu presentation.  Don't miss this one!

Message 9 of 20

Nancy_Hollenback wrote:

I just sat in on a dry-run of the Staab/Daklu presentation.  Don't miss this one!

Agree. It was stellar. Highest recommendations for those of you going to NIWeek 2013.

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