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usrp 2950 daughterboards


recenctly I started to work with ni usrp-2950R
I am using labview 2015 sp1(drivers and tools: ni-rio 14, usrp 14, fpga
xilinx14.7 and vivado 2013.4).
I am trying to record and play an IF signal at 33MHZ, this frequency is below
the limitation of the supplied doughterboard (wbx), therefore I replace the
doughterboard with basic rx and basic tx.
the recording works just fine( i can see the signal at the rx streaming VI),
however, the playback faild. is it possible to use basic rx and tx with
usrp2950? if it does can you tell me what is the best configuration?

thank you

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Message 1 of 5



Just to be clear you are trying to swtich the daughter boards, have done that successfully? Unfortunately NI does not support the use of other daughter boards on our USRP's and cannot guarantee their functionality. 


In an effort to get a stronger community response you may want to try the USRP forum. However NI will not be able to assist you with this issue.

Matt P.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hi Matt,

thank you for your answer

I saw at ETTUS website that there is a new daughterboard called "UBX", do you know if NI will support it? 


thank you


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Message 3 of 5

Unforunately our USRP's come as a packaged solution and we do not support the changing of daughterboards. 

Matt P.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

It's pretty impressive you're using LabVIEW 2015 SP1 as 2015 is being released 😮



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