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LabView 5.0.1F1 SE + DAQPad-1200

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I recently salvaged a DAQPad-1200 and a copy of LabVIEW 5.0.1F1 SE that my university's EE department were throwing away, and have been attempting to use them on a Windows 2000 computer with the NI-DAQ 6.9.3 drivers.  However, whenever I attempt to do any sort of data acquisition functions, the VI reports that the Call Library functions are not supported in the student version.  I was under the impression that the student versions were able to interface with the DAQ hardware, and that it was other features that were disabled.  Am I simply mistaken, or is there some other error with the software which I would be able to fix?  I realize I am asking for help with outdated equipment and software, but any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



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Accepted by topic author sschutta

Hello sschutta,


Thanks for your post and questions about LabVIEW and DAQ.


I see that you have a DAQPad-1200 that you are using. Is the error that you are seeing referring to a call library function node or dll call? The reason I ask is because this is not a supported feature in the student version and could be the cause of your error. Take a look at the following knowledge base that talks about this error:


Problems with NI-DAQ VIs and LabVIEW Student Edition


Also it looks like the version of LabVIEW that you have is not compatible with the DAQPad 1200. See the link below for a supported list of devices:


Which DAQ Boards are Supported when Using the LabVIEW Student Edition?


Let me know if this clears up your questions or concerns about using your DAQ device! Also do you need to speak to someone about getting some new equipment for your university? Let us know and have a great day sschutta.





Message 2 of 3

Thank you very much!  That did indeed answer my question; it looks like I will need to get the student drivers working.   And thank you for offering to help with getting the university more equipment, but we're already set with DAQ cards and such - the EE department was simply getting rid of old equipment which was just hanging around.


 Thanks again!



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